Why use us?

Over the past decade I’ve been lucky enough to bring together a reliable, dedicated team of highly skilled tradesmen whose collective knowledge of the roofing industry is simply second to none. Wether it’s a pitched or flat roof, problems with weather damage, leaks or the installation of solar panels – there isn’t much we don’t know when it comes to roofing!

We are incredibly proactive in keeping up with the latest changes and technologies within the construction industry, especially with how it pertains to roofing. We also offer a long warranty period on most of the work we carry out, so you can rest assured that you’re in the safest of hands.

I take great pride in the way we carry ourselves as a business. From our customer service, to the cleanliness of our work, to the positive feedback we get from our customers when the work’s complete.

We’re always happy to hear from new customers, so if you have any questions at all, please feel free to pick up the phone or send us a message using the form at the bottom of this page.

Kind regards

Paul Anderson
Director & Founder

Our Warranties

When it comes to home improvement work we know that one of your biggest concerns is going to be peace of mind. We’re proud to be able to offer an Insurance Backed Guarantee, which is available for a period of 10 or 20 years, depending on the work carried out and specification of roof covering. At Anderson Roofing, it’s vital to us that we build a reputation for the highest quality workmanship and service to our customers. Our membership to the CPA goes a long way to emphasise and make real these intentions.

The CPA only accept members who are highly skilled tradesmen, and regarded as top rated in their field of expertise. CPA members are fully vetted on their technical skills, financial position, litigation history, trading records and quality of work. This ensures they promote the best standards of trading practice and ultimate customer satisfaction for every job.

When you undergo any kind of home improvements to your property, it is essential that a relevant insurance policy is part of the overall sale of services. Your roof is no exception, and an insurance backed guarantee will help to protect you against any unforseen circumstances. The CPA provides its members with Insurance Backed Guarantees for every project, so in the unlikely event that a tradesperson ceases to trade due to bankruptcy, liquidation, receivership, state retirement or even death, you will be completely covered.

You can find out more about the CPA by following this link www.thecpa.co.uk

If you would like any further information or advice about the warranties that we can offer you, then please get in touch for a friendly chat on
01727 809930 or 07795 292988

The Consumer Protection Association believes that it is vital to evaluate both the professionalism and quality of every member’s work and the most effective means of establishing this is by asking their customers what they thought.

The chart above displays the scores that customers awarded the company in respect of their overall performance. These scores are supplied by all customers when they apply for their Insurance Backed Guarantee upon completion of their home improvements.

We also ask customers to appraise how they found dealing with our team member, with regards to specific issues. The analysis of the survey is contained in the graph above.

The purpose of the survey is to assist our team members in maintaining and, where possible, improving their standards of professionalism, quality and service.

Customer confidentiality has been respected throughout.